Saturday, May 21, 2011

Books vs E-Books


Since the Kindle and the ipad been released, I've been thinking about the direction of books as we move into the future. I love to read, even if I don't invest as much time reading as I'd like. And I'm also into tech stuff, so naturally I fell inlove with the Kindle. One would assume that I would be reading all my books on Kindle but I'm not.

Sure the kindle offers an easy way of purchasing books and getting them to you into a matter of seconds. However, there's something precious about holding and reading the actual book in your hand. Physical books to me are an experience. There's the front and back cover art with the teaser summary, the size and weight of the book, the varying thickness of the paper (depending on the publisher I guess). Books have different smells, depending on the paper and its age. New books have that new book smell (sort of like a car has a new smell) and the same with old books, it's all about the experience.

I'm a collector. I enjoy having my books lined up in my book shelf, looking at all the multi-colored spines all organized by author. There's just something about being surrounded by books that is so comforting to me. I love going to bookstores and libraries partly for this reason.

You're probably thinking wow what a nerd but hey everyones a collector of something and this is just one of the things I'm passionate about.. Love books =)


Enough Said



Friday, May 20, 2011

Funny Find: Dress up


I'm sure you're familiar with the costumes.. It's none other than
3adnan wa Lena (Future boy conan) cool huh? :p


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


LOL.. you must be thinking "Are you serious?"

Yes I am.. Come on who didn't love these dudes back in the day?

With their cool colored masks, LOVE for pizza & "Kawaa Pangaaa!"

Oh and I thought it's cool that they were named after popular figures in history:
Leonardo (Blue) for Leonardo Da Vinci
Donatello (Purple) for Donato di Niccolo
Michelangelo (Orange) for Michelangelo Di Lodovico
Raphael (Red) for Raphael Sanzio


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

معرض ذكرى الاستقلال ال 50


لقد إقيم معرض لذكرى الاستقلال في الكويت بتاريخ 24- 2 -2011 م

ولقد وجدته عن طريق الصدفة ومن الواضح أنه كان حدث لا يفوت وذلك للمقتنيات المعروضه

والتي تمثل جزء من تاريخ الكويت والخليج ككل. ب

مجموعة من الملابس المستخدمة في أجمل الأعمال الفنية والتي سنراها بشكل أوضح

رداء هدى حسين في مسرحية ليلى والذيب

رداء الفنان الراحل غانم الصالح في مسلسل رقية وسبيكة

رداء الفنان الراحل علي المفيدي في مسرحية حامي الديار

لقد فاجأني أهتمامهم بالحفاظ على الملابس المستخدمة في المسلسلات والمسرحيات

كما يفعلون نجوم الغرب وهذا ما نفتقر إليه هنا هو المحافظة على مثل هذه التحف

التي جمعت من أعمال شاهدها وجمعت بين أهل الخليج والعرب وزصبحت جزءاً منهم

ولذلك فأنني أحيي دولة الكويت على هذه المبادرة وأتمنى القيام بمثل هذه المعارض على مستوى الخليج. ي


R is for Rainbow Brite!! *_*


The girl with the rainbow belt and white talking horse! *_*

دبلج هذا العمل بالعربية وكان يسمى "الحصان السريع" وأعتقد أنهم قاموا بدبلجت بضعة حلقات فقط
من أجمل الأعمال التي شاهدتها وقمت بشراء العمل كامل من
Amazon :-)


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hayao Miyazaki is THE MAN!


One of the most fascinating people EVER.. Hayao is the founder of studio Ghibli which is responsible for giving us masterpieces of amazing anime and cartoons.

May I add that Studio Ghbili is the owner of many Oscar winning titles such as Spirited Away.

Also to those of us who grew up watching arabic deubbed cartoons.. Studio Ghibli is the studio that made 3adnan wa lena which is (Future Boy Conan).

For more of Ghibli's awesomeness visit their website HERE


Saturday, May 14, 2011

First Spark! MJ

It all started with this record right here.. I was in 7th grade when my older bro made me listen to it and I was hooked up on "Billie Jean".

I still remember it was on side B of the cassette!
Woahhh! Seems like a life time ago.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Remeber Nsync: Who did u like?

Like every other thing that we grow up loving.. Nsync ofcourse had a huge part of pop culture in the 90s just like all the other popular acts during that time.

Looking back I had a huge crush on none other than the blonde curly kid.. Yup Justin Timberlake was my choice lol. I remember when their first album came out, I thought it was so awesome and I won't even lie I still listen to it from time to time. :p


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Kill the zombies.. Survive the evil!

I guess many of you have guessed by now that being a geek I have to have a thing for video games and this game right here is MY PASSION.

I fell inlove with it ever since it came out in playstation way back in the day. This game has the best story line, characters and most of all Monsters! (They really get creative with their villains)

And what I've enjoyed the most is the character development that you go through from game 1 up to now so it gives you a feeling like you know these characters as you watch them grow from one game addition to another.

Up til now there are about 16 titles avaliable in many platforms for everyone to enjoy.

If you're into video games you'd really wanna try this! :D


Monday, April 11, 2011



كأي عمل من الأعمال الناجحه في العالم لقد تحول كرتون كبمارو إلى فلم يتبع تماماً الشخصيات الأساسية التي أحببناها في الكرتون.. ب

أنتج الفلم عام ١٩٨٣ تحت إسم

Ig-ano Kabamaru

الصفحة المخصصة للفلم هنا وإذا لاحظتم في خانة المعلومات المخصصة للغة وجود اللغة العربية ولا أعرف إن كان يعني ذلك أن هذا الفلم قد دبلج للعربية أم قصدوا بذلك الكرتون؟!! ن


Friday, April 8, 2011

Post Teaser: is that... ???






Friday, April 1, 2011

How ironic is it..?


The sinking of the Titanic is known to be one of the most tragic events in history. Yet, it's depicted beautifully in such a amazing looking painting?

I am inlove with how the lighting is handled here, inside the ship and the reflection on the water. The angle of this scene allows us "the person looking in" to feel as if we're part of what's going on.

A M A Z I N G ! *_*


Thursday, March 31, 2011

For the past week..


I honestly think the network hates me!! -_-"

This better be solved soon *fingers crossed*


Thursday, March 24, 2011

HaHa.. Funny Find!


Britney Spears lyrics.. when she started back in 1998 with "Baby One More Time" and then on 2000 with "Stronger".


Monday, March 21, 2011

وردة فرساي: ليدي أوسكار


هو جزء حقيقي من هذه الفانتازيا Berusaiyu no Bara
. حيث أنك لن تشك في مصداقيت الشخصيات و تصميمها وتشعر كأنك تمللك كتاباً عن الثورة الفرنسية .فبفضل خيال الفنانه الموهوبه ريوكو الذتي قامت بحبك القصة و جعلها حقيقية . وايكاد كطالبه في الفلسفة قامت بدراست الثورة الفرنسية مما أدى إلى ان أعتطها طابعاً نسائيا حتى تصل وجهت نظرها إلى الفتيات اليابانيات على إختلاف الأعمار . وقاموا بجعل هذا الحلم حقيقه حين اتنجت 1700 صفحة مانجا . والتي عرضت في 82 اسبوع من عام 1972 حتى عام 1973 .ت

ولدة ريكو آكيدا في اساكوا في 18 ديسمبر عام 1947 .وهي أكبر واحد من 4 صبيان في عائلتها . وهي التي قامت بتصميم شخصية ليدي اوسكار وابتكارها .

إن أسلوب آكيدا في رسم عرف بشخصياتها الأنيقة ذات العيون المعبرة الكبيرة، على أن تكون الشخصيات الرئسية بالشعر الأشقر و الخصوم بالشعر الأسود الغامق . كما وتفننت بالخلفياتالخلابة الملابس و بفن اللغة المتعلقة بمجريات القرن الثامن عشر في فرنسا. وقد جمعت بين المغامرة والرومانسية وحتى في إستراتيجية الحروب .

تفضلو جزء من روائع آكيدا:
